Ishah, I'm so glad you happened upon my space here on Substack!

My aim is to help people make friends with poetry, especially the writing of it. It's so funny you mentioned a commonplace book, I'm working on something called Gathered Words to add here on my website soon. It's a compilation of a virtual bulletin board sort of space to collect all the many many quotes I've got written down in journals and notebooks over the years.

Inspiration is everywhere!

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Love all these ideas and inspiration. So glad I found you! I am aiming to write more poetry this year. I have a commonplace book (one for general quotes from my reading, and one specifically related to the craft of writing). I draw lots of inspiration from them for poetry. My problem is wanting an instant poem, written all in one sitting. It rarely (if ever) works out like that. I'm learning to let a poem breathe, to take my time and be patient with myself.

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Agreed! I learned that from Scott Cairns via his essay on poetry in A Syllable of Water, published by Paraclete in 2008. The essay is called "A Troubled and Troubling Mirror." It's so great to learn new things in this writing life, isn't it?

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Knowing that the Latin "versa" means "to turn" is gonna change my life.

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Haecceity! I'm totally smitten and fascinated! Oh Jody, this is marvelous - I'll be an eager attendee at your next "making friends with poetry" workshop. You have a way of making me feel like I perhaps COULD write poetry! Words...shapes! That makes sense to me!

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Oh Kristin, I'm so happy to hear that. I've been trying to wrap words around just exactly what I have in mind to share, and the pieces are coming together for a workshop in the new year. And isn't that a fun word?!

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