This is so inspiring and absolutely the wavelength I've been on, too. I'm excited to bring the kids over this summer and sit in your garden and learn from you - I'm trying to figure out how to "show up" in these spaces but am continually hand-wringing!

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Kristin, it is a journey of listening and letting go--listening to God and letting go of (other peoples'?) and my expectations. You will find the balance.

In the meantime, a backyard visit awaits; June, here we come!

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May 22Liked by Jody L. Collins

Blessings, Jody 💛

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May 21Liked by Jody L. Collins

This feels like a GREAT next step after ditching social media. I'm happy for you (and me!) to be investing so deeply into your in-the-flesh community. We will never regret this.

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Thank you, Sarah--you get it!

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Keep following the path, Jody.

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May 21Liked by Jody L. Collins

Enjoy your break although it still sounds quite busy. I look forward to your occasional pieces and to seeing what you come back with after the break.

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Thank you Phillip. There is a lot to consider focus-wise, to be sure, which is why I need the time to think.

Stay tuned!

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May 21Liked by Jody L. Collins

The Luci Shaw quote at the end of your post summed it up beautifully:)

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Isn't it the best?!

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I agree!

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May 20Liked by Jody L. Collins

I love that I can read a post about you’re taking a break and still come away with takeaways for my own life;). Looking forward to what’s next for you…

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Blessings, friend.

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Love this. I’ve been pondering, myself, a step back — all around — to more fully lean into this summer’s rhythms, novel revisions and poetry, and the creative energy that the Lord so naturally infuses in this season. Praying it’s a fruitful season for you, Jody!

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