Aug 24Liked by Jody L. Collins

Looking back I would say "Appreciation of Excellence and Beauty" would adequately title my life-book.

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Catherine, that is a noble pursuit and a fitting book title. I like it!

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It would be “Tell me a story.”

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Ahhhh, Tell me a story. The way Jesus did. Thanks for being here. Tohru.

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Happy Book-Birthday! And the title of my life-book would be: Gardens and Walls.

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Thank you for the nice wishes. "Gardens and Walls." I think I know why....

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Aug 22Liked by Jody L. Collins

The title that comes to my mind is Going The Long Way Home.

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Oh, Rachael, that makes sense--you model that well--taking time to notice what's important and beautiful.

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It's fun to read everyone's titles! The phrase Through My Eyes has been rattling around in my head lately, so I'll go with that as my title. Happy book birthday, Jody!

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Aug 22·edited Aug 23Author

"Through my Eyes" sounds like a perfect title-I like it!. Thanks for the good wishes. And yes, isn't it fun to read these titles?

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I think mine would be titled SERENDIPITY because I love the idea of discovering good things that I wasn’t actively (or consciously b) looking for, and it’s happened many times in my life.

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"Serendipity"--wow, you could go in all different directions writing a book like that. Sounds perfect, Rebecca.

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Happy Book Birthday!

I have a hard time with the end of summer. So, I extend the month of August a wee bit - until the first snow appears on the ground. My friends and family understand this and humor me, and have been known to check on what day in August it is - August 6oth? August 73rd? Aug 95th? I acknowledge and am thankful for the beauty in all the days of August - early and late.

Book title: Bilocation.

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Oh Teri, I'm going to steal that idea--August 60th :-) (This is also my actual birthday month so I like the idea of stretching it out).

"Bilocation"; hmmmm.... you've got me thinking. Between where and where???

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Right-o! I agree that birthday months should be lengthened as far as one desires!

Every now and then the idea of making an actual calendar with August Continued (from August 32nd to August 61st), Expanded August (August 62nd to August 92nd), and August Augustus (August 93rd to August 122nd), enters my thinking.

If you actually decided to adopt the Hyrkasian Calendar (my kids’ name for the wishful-thinking date keeping), how would you determine the time to switch to the Gregorian calendar? Snow on the ground is what determines the switch to the Gregorian Calendar for me. Snow can fall and stay on the ground in MN as early as August 81st. This is all in fun, of course! I don’t take my calendar manipulation seriously, although I have persisted in this practice for many years now.

As far as bilocation, it is fun to think about how many ways one could use that ability if it were attainable. I think that “thin places,” holy places, times of prayer, times of longing, periods of meditation, or a good poem or book or great art, give us an idea about what the experience of bilocation might be like.

But this is what prompted the book title: Paul said, “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don't know which is better. I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me.” Phil 1:21-23. I think Paul wouldn’t mind bilocating between heaven and earth. What do you think?

Perhaps extending the month of August is my feeble attempt at bilocation?

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Teri--what a smile you have brought me today with all the Variations on August.

And I like the bilocation definition: I totally get it and love your examples.... but yes, the now and not yet verses from Philippians--t o t a l l y a great illustration of being in two places at once. I like the way you think!

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My life’s book would have to be: “A Sinner’s Psalter”

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Zane, I bet that would be a perfect Psalter--lament and praise both. We need it all... Thanks for weighing in.

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Joining you, Jody, in the wistfulness of this early morning!

"Spirals, Vistas, and Roadblocks to Finding Me" (book title)

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Hi Diane--thanks for the camaraderie. And I'm intrigued by your book title--I just turned 72 and the journey with Jesus is still one of more and more discoveries, with many 'spirals, vistas and roadblocks' along the way!

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Happy book birthday!! :)

Mine would probably be "One Step Short of Crazy." :D :D

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Ha! Because????

((thanks for the well wishes, Meagan.))

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You're welcome! :)

LOL! It stems from one of my favorite scenes in "National Treasure"--Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) and Riley Poole (Justin Bartha) are trying to get governmental powers that be to help them stop the bad guys, and no one's biting.

Ben: "We don't need someone crazy, but one step short of crazy, what do you get?"

Riley: "Obsessed."

Ben: "Passionate."

:D I feel like that describes so much of me, lol. I get super excited (passionate) about certain topics (like that movie, it's one of my faves!) that I could just talk for days about them!

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Ahhhhhh…. got the reference. That was a fun movie!

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Congratulations on year one! I think my life's book title would be "Learning to Wait"

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Thanks, Mark. "Learning to Wait;" that's a lifelong posture, yes? Perfect title!

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Book title: “Just Like Peter”

I enjoyed this poem. I felt a change in the air last week. I’m looking forward to welcoming fall soon.

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Hi Mel--I'm glad you enjoyed the poem..... Thanks for saying so.

Your book title--Peter, as in the disciple? I'm intrigued by that--tell me more when you can :-)

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Peter the disciple/apostle because identify with him so much.

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Ahhhhh.... that makes sense.

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Navigating the Tides of Time: A Sailor's Story

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Matthew, I hope that's a book that you're writing! I bet you have some tales to tell....

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Happy Book Birthday🎉! If I hadn't, quite literally, journalled these words this morning I wouldn't have an answer to your question: Bright Light on Bees Wings. I wrote it separate from what I had just journaled and thought it might be a good title for my next book-ha!

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Thank you, friend.

And don't you love those little Holy Spirit dovetails? "Bright Light on Bee's Wings." Perfect!

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